FS-UAE & Launcher version 3.1.66 is out now and available from the download page. It is a minor maintenance release of the 3.1.x series (and possibly the last one). The bundled SDL version has been updated to 2.0.18, and updated controller mappings are also included.
Updated FS-UAE Launcher with translations
Translations were missing from FS-UAE Launcher on Windows and Linux, so I’ve posted new versions with translations included
Also, due to changes in SDL2, some controllers (Xbox controllers at least) have new IDs and the bundled controller mappings no longer match. So you need to remap your controller in Launcher settings if you cannot utilize all buttons anymore. I’ll see if I can get new controller configs included in an update!
Download page for FS-UAE 3.1 is updated
The new download page for FS-UAE 3.1 is finally ready. It contains builds for Windows, macOS, Linux and links to download repositories for several Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and openSUSE).
Updated stable builds for Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian and openSUSE
Fresh builds of version 3.1 are now available for Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian and openSUSE. Go to the download page to find the commands to add the repositories.
The repositories are all hosted by the openSUSE Build Service. Previously, I’ve also pushed out builds via Ubuntu’s PPA service, but I will most likely not continue doing this since it is easier for me do to distribute everything via this single service.
FS-UAE 3.1
I have made a post over at the English Amiga Board with links to FS-UAE & Launcher version 3.1. I recommend that most users using 3.0.5 upgrade to this version. I haven’t updated the downloads section here yet, among other things because there isn’t an installer available yet. But it’s still easy to download and install version 3.1.
It is especially recommended for macOS users to upgrade, as this latest version fixes some annoying issues on recent macOS versions.
FS-UAE preview for Raspberry Pi 4
I’ve made post over at the English Amiga Board with links to a preview build of FS-UAE 4 for Raspberry Pi 4. Please head over there for more details if you are interested
Builds for macOS ARM64 / M1 / Apple silicon have arrived
The following links point to the latest stable version compiled for macOS_ARM64. These are 3.1.x versions based on slightly newer code than the 3.0.5 version.
Compared to previous downloads, FS-UAE Launcher.app no longer contains an embedded FS-UAE.app. Therefore, you need to download both of the .dmg files above and place FS-UAE Launcher.app and FS-UAE.app beside eachother, for example in the /Applications folder. I haven’t had time to fix builds of FS-UAE Arcade yet.
There are also macOS_ARM64 builds available for the 4.x development snapshots. If interested, please see this forum thread for links and more information.
FS-UAE for Mac M1 hardware?
I do get some questions asking for an FS-UAE version running natively on Apple silicon / M1. The short answer is that it is possible to build a working version for M1, but I don’t yet provide official builds due to not having access to the hardware. Please see this recent thread on the English Amiga Board for more information: https://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=106970.
There has also been reports about joystick/gamepad devices not working on M1 hardware with FS-UAE 3.0.5. I have created newer builds – available here for now: https://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=105950 – which are reported to fix the issue
EDIT: Official ARM64 builds for Apple silicon / M1 are coming.
Using FS-UAE on Linux with real MIDI hardware
Warren Vercueil has written a nice and thorough guide on getting FS-UAE on Linux set up with real MIDI hardware. The guide was written to use Bars and Pipes with MIDI hardware, but should work with other Amiga MIDI software as well.
Disclaimer: I haven’t tested the guide myself.
Note: If all you want to do is to play back MIDI tunes, for example to use FS-UAE to play Sierra games with MT-32 music (using an MT-32 emulator on your host computer), you should wait until FS-UAE 3.9.x arrives, which should support this use case on all platforms via the portmidi library.
FS-UAE 3.0.3 Released
A new stable version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 3.0.3:
- Fixed crash when starting the Launcher in a KDE environment.
(Update only relevant for Linux)
FS-UAE 3.0.2 Released
A new stable version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 3.0.1:
- No changes.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 3.0.2
- Another fix for global WHDLoad quit key.
- Fixed a misleading warning when cyberstorm ROM was not found (3.0.1).
FS-UAE 3.0.1 Released
A new stable version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 3.0.1:
- Fix video scaling when restoring from fullscreen on Windows.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 3.0.1:
- Scanner bug prevented Conquests of the Longbow WHDLoad to be recognized.
- The correct kickstart wasn’t always loaded.
- Cloanto ROMs were not always decrypted.
- Fix for global WHDLoad quit key.
I have some issues getting the app to work without warning on macOS 10.15 due to the new security/notarization features on macOS, and absence of useful error messages when stuff don’t work. You can right click and choose open to bypass the strict security checks until I’ve worked this out. [EDIT: Looks like it is fixed now -> 3.0.1u1]
FS-UAE 3.0 Released
Changes in FS-UAE 3.0 (compared to 2.8):
* Fixed JIT direct access on modern Linux distributions.
* FS-UAE default is now to show a 692×540 image, not stretched to fill screen.
* Built-in configurations for many more game controllers.
* New option whdload_quit_key to gracefully quit slaves.
* Added more shaders (compiled/ported/written by guest.r and rsn8887).
* Updated emulation core from WinUAE 3300b2.
* Several new configuration options (see Changelog for details).
* Many more smaller fixes and updates (see Changelog for details).
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 3.0 (compared to 2.8):
* Plugins can provide files for offline use (WHDLoad, JST, SKick, etc).
* Added support for .gz/.adz/.roz/.xz-compressed files.
* Support WHDLoad versions 18.4 and 18.5 (game database).
* Revert fullscreen_mode to default when upgrading from older versions.
* Use https for all more fs-uae.net and openretro.org communication.
* Support hd_requirements = xpkmaster.library.
* Fixed problem on Windows where devices were sometimes not detected.
* Make configurations list wider when window width is quite large.
* Try to use config from game database when launching with a WHDLoad archive.
* Extract WHDLoad arguments from .info file when loading a WHDLoad archive.
* Sync “unpublished” games from the online game database, option to show.
* Many bugfixes and smaller improvements (see Changelog for details).
* Only x86-64 (64-bit) official builds for Windows and macOS and Linux.
* Building for x86 (32-bit) still works on all platforms.
* 32-bit packages for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and openSUSE are still available.
* Builds for macOS require 10.9+. The source can be built for older versions.
(Bottom line, no support is removed from the source code. I just want to maintain less build environments).
Road ahead:
I’ve already started the work on next development series. The biggest change is updated emulation core from WinUAE 4.2.1, which brings with it new features. But I will be looking at other improvements as well. If the stable series is to boring for you, stay tuned for v3.1.0dev
FS-UAE 2.9.12dev Released
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.9.12dev:
- Change default for bezel option to 0 (off).
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.9.12dev:
- Fixed recently introduced bug when downloading files via cache.
FS-UAE 2.9.11dev Released
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.9.11dev:
- Linux: Automatically uses Feral GameMode daemon if available.
- New option game_mode = 0 to disable above mentioned feature.
- Linux: Warn if running with a CPU governor other than performance.
- New option governor_warning = to to disable above mentioned warning.
- Fixed support for multiple mice also on Windows.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.9.11dev:
- Plugins can provide files for offline use (WHDLoad, JST, SKick, etc).
- Use newer version of uae-configuration, OSEmu.400.
- Added support for .xz-compressed files.
- GUI options to toggle game mode / governor warning on Linux.
FS-UAE 2.9.10dev Released
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.9.10dev:
- Support WHDLoad versions 18.4 and 18.5 (game database).
- Revert fullscreen_mode to default when upgrading from older versions.
- Hide the fullscreen mode button from quick settings panel.
- Fix OpenRetro.org login, rebranded oagd.net to openretro.org.
- Use requests library for all http(s) communication, fixes macOS cert issue.
FS-UAE 2.9.9dev released
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.9.9dev:
- Added 8BitDo controller configurations, updated dualshock 3 for Linux.
- Fixed mouse integration.
- Fixed support for multiple mice (was accidentally disabled).
- More deterministic creation of fs-uae.dat [bmwiedemann].
- HAM6 on AGA fix [sonnenscheinchen].
- Imported updated translations from crowdin.com.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.9.9dev:
- Support hd_requirements = xpkmaster.library.
- Use https:// for more fs-uae.net and openretro.org communication.
- Only preselect the favorite variant if the files are found.
- Added 8BitDo controller configurations, updated dualshock 3 for Linux.
- Index uncompressed content of .gz/.adz/.roz files.
- Ignore .lha files when lhafile extension is not present.
- Imported updated translations from crowdin.com.
FS-UAE 2.9.8dev released
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.9.8dev:
- New option whdload_quit_key to gracefully quit slaves.
- Do not alias mouse clicks when joystick_port_0_autoswitch is off.
- Added Build-Conflicts: libroar-dev to fix building on OBS.
- Added sharp-bilinear-simple.shader [rsn8887].
- New options window_hidden, window_minimized [cnvogelg].
- Removed GLee from source.
- Fixed JIT direct access on modern Linux distributions.
- Changed default sync method on Windows to swap-finish.
- Updated bezel.
- New option: frame_time (can be used to limit emulation time before vsync).
- Compatibility updates for a couple of shaders [guest.r].
- Imported updated translations from crowdin.com.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.9.8dev:
- Support new whdload_quit_key option with online game database.
- Disabled (global) whdload_quit_key setting, see new FS-UAE option.
- Fixed problem on Windows where devices were sometimes not detected.
- Remove kickstart warnings when not using Amiga platform.
- Added elapsed time to log file (to debug startup time).
- Imported updated translations from crowdin.com.
Packages available for new distros
I’ve updated the packages and repositories on both Launchpad and openSUSE build service, so this means that stable and development versions of FS-UAE are now available for:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Fedora 28 and 27
- openSUSE Leap 15.0
- Debian 9.0 (There was a problem building fs-uae which has been fixed now)
FS-UAE 2.9.7dev Released
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.9.7dev:
- Support building with latest version of MSYS2.
- Renamed option frame to bezel.
- New option: force_aspect.
- Added shaders compiled/ported/written by guest.r.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.9.7dev:
- Fix detection of Windows 10.
- Support building with latest version of MSYS2.
- Include quick setting to toggle display of bezel.
- Quite a bit of changes, but many related to non-Amiga platforms.
Changes in FS-UAE Arcade 2.9.7dev:
- Respect joystick modes from the game database in input selection screen.
- Fixed aspect toggle button.
- Fixed support for dual X-Arcade controllers.
- Gamepad/joystick devices can be hotplugged with on-screen notifications.
- Option to disable search function (arcade_search).