The following links point to the latest stable version compiled for macOS_ARM64. These are 3.1.x versions based on slightly newer code than the 3.0.5 version.
Compared to previous downloads, FS-UAE no longer contains an embedded Therefore, you need to download both of the .dmg files above and place FS-UAE and beside eachother, for example in the /Applications folder. I haven’t had time to fix builds of FS-UAE Arcade yet.
There are also macOS_ARM64 builds available for the 4.x development snapshots. If interested, please see this forum thread for links and more information.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I sincerely appreciate this. Also, I dunno if you saw my other post I made a few weeks back but I got FS-UAE working on my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B w/8GB RAM running Raspberry Pi OS 64-Bit! So I know it works on that operating system/architecture as well.
Yes it does work in the Pi as well
I’ve started providing official builds for the (32-bit) Pi 4: The builds are for FS-UAE 4 preview only, as FS-UAE 4 is somewhat more optimized for running on the Pi than FS-UAE 3.
Also, I recommend grabbing the latest 3.1 version from, it has been improved a bit since the first M1 builds arrived
hello, thanks for M1 build. Have you a QEMU plugin for M1 version. ( of qemu arm64 seems to be not loaded with fs-uae stable macos arm64 snapshot.
Hi, the problem was that the FS-UAE didn’t understand the “ARM64” arch name when loading the plugin, I’ve updated the links to point to a newer FS-UAE 3.1.21 version with a fix for that. It should be able to find QEMU-UAE
I’m not entirely sure if the plugin works correctly on ARM64 even though it loads now, please let me know if it works for your or not!
hello, it seems not. I ll test more this week.
2 options : fs uas x64 with x64 plugin on M1 or fs uae arm64 with ARM64 qemu plugin. the second (arm) seems not working but it’s hard to understand because nothing loaded on the GUI of the launcher. Difficult to know if it’s ok or not.
I try x64 version without success. I switch back to the last link of ARM64 mac version. When I start systemone, it works but if I load a tool like fantastic dream (PPC), It freezes with a message that qemu plug in is not loaded.
I’ve tried the most recent stable ARM64 build (FS-UAE 3.1.17 FS-UAE-Launcher 3.1.27) to run AmigaOS 4.1 FE.
Previously, I’ve succesfully ran it with a x86_64 build including QEMU plugin, now QEMU doesn’t work any longer.
I’m using v3.8.2.10 and getting this error on FS-UAE log (which is truncated by the way as it seems to freeze at some point):
DLOPEN: dlopen(/Users/giandavide/FS-UAE/Plugins/QEMU-UAE/macOS/unknown/qemu-uae.framework/qemu-uae, 0x0002): Library not loaded: /Users/frode/openretro/master/qemu-uae/fsdeps/_prefix/lib/libintl.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/giandavide/FS-UAE/Plugins/QEMU-UAE/macOS/unknown/QEMU-UAE.framework/QEMU-UAE
Reason: tried: ‘/Users/frode/openretro/master/qemu-uae/fsdeps/_prefix/lib/libintl.dylib’ (n
The plugin seems to be installed correctly but apparenently there is an error related to libintl.dylib.
Hi, this should be fixed with the latest build of QEMU-UAE: See for links