It seems python3-lhafile was missing in my PPAs for Ubuntu 16.10. I’ve submitted the build requests now, and the packages should appear in the repos within a few hours.
Ubuntu 16.10 and python3-lhafile
It seems python3-lhafile was missing in my PPAs for Ubuntu 16.10. I’ve submitted the build requests now, and the packages should appear in the repos within a few hours.
A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.9.3dev:
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.9.3dev:
Changes in FS-UAE Arcade 2.9.3dev:
A new stable version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.8.3:
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.8.3:
Additionally, the macOS versions are now distributed as signed .dmg images to please macOS Sierra’s Gatekeeper.