A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.5.27dev:
- Implemented prefix expansion for screenshots_output_dir.
- Implemented joystick_port_0_autoswitch = 0 for the relatively new automatic mouse mode switching feature (in order to disable it).
- Updated emulation core from WinUAE 3100b6.
In Win7, portable mode, I get the libscapimage error when starting something from the Arcade. I have downloaded the plugin and it works when starting things from the Launcher.
Hi, can you close FS-UAE Arcade and send me fs-uae-arcade.log.txt after you have quit FS-UAE Aracde?
Thanks for the automatic mouse switch feature! No accidentally pressing the mouse on the DS4 controller now.
Enjoy 🙂
Will the 2.5 series ever get a stable release? I’m just curious….
Of course 🙂 Probably in Q1 but it could happen in Q2 as well…
Hi all
Hello? 🙂