A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.3.7dev:
- New utility program: fs-uae-device-helper (used by FS-UAE Launcher).
- (Launcher) pygame is no longer an dependency, joystick event detection for mapping purposes is done via fs-uae-device-helper.
- (Launcher) Program startup and focus issue should be fixed on OS X.
- (Launcher) Added language preference page.
- (Launcher) ADF & HDF Creator split into two, and they are now non-modal.
- (Launcher) Joystick config tool shows existing config when opening (only when the user has already configured it, bundled config is not shown yet).
- (Launcher) Joystick device for mapping is selected in joystick prefs.
- (Launcher) Completed porting to QT (using pyside bindings for Python).
- (Launcher) Old wxPython GUI layer still exists (–wx) but not 100% updated.
- (Launcher) Input Settings prefs page split into mouse and keyboard.
- (Launcher) Fixed bug when choosing a zip with select multiple floppies.
- (Launcher) Search-as-you type could in some case return multiple entries for the same game.
- (Launcher) Updated don’t checksum BSD device nodes code [vext01].
Packagers should see this post: Packaging changes (important information for packagers).
Hi! Really good work, but I don’t understand if I “should” use this dev version or it’s better use stable version…
Hi, what version you “should use” is really up to you. The point of the development versions is that they are snapshots of FS-UAE “in development”, and there can be new features (or changes) which hasn’t been tested that well yet. So you have a greater chance at encountering issues with the development versions. On the other hand, you get newer features. After some time in development (and with lots of testing), the dev versions become the new stable version (2.4.0).
Following the development thread on the English Amiga board is a good idea if you want to use the dev versions
There was a problem with joystick devices in FS-UAE Launcher on OS X. This is fixed in 2.3.7dev2, available from the same download page.