The new download page for FS-UAE 3.1 is finally ready. It contains builds for Windows, macOS, Linux and links to download repositories for several Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and openSUSE).
The new download page for FS-UAE 3.1 is finally ready. It contains builds for Windows, macOS, Linux and links to download repositories for several Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and openSUSE).
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Do you have a date for when the windows installer will be available.
I am planning on making an updated video guide and don’t want to video if it is going to change in the next couple of days.
Thank you alot for all the hard work you are doing on the project.
Hi, I haven’t really decided the fate of the Windows installer yet. It is possible it won’t return at all, at least not in its previous form. So it’s not coming any time soon at least