A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.1.23dev:
- New option save_states can be used to disable the save state feature.
- Marked several warning messages for translation.
- Updated translations: de [nexusle].
- (Launcher) Disable the save state feature in cases were it is known to not work (with temporarily created hard drives).
- (Launcher) Updated translations: de [nexusle].
Changes in FS-UAE 2.1.22dev:
- Fixed a missing bit in the UTF-8 decoding (for text rendering).
- Fixed a potential crash due to an uninitialized variable (2.1.21).
- Generated source files were by mistake not updated.
Changes in FS-UAE 2.1.21dev:
- Added A3000 model (68030 + FPU, 2 MB chip + 8 MB fast, KS 3.1)
- New aliases for theme overlays (power_led, df0_led, etc).
- Theme coordinate system can be defined with theme_width, theme_height.
- Old overlay option is deprecated, new overlay types available.
- Audio led flashes red on buffer underruns, turns off when the Amiga is not outputting audio data.
- New theme_zoom option (preferred over viewport for theme purposes).
- Updated translations: pl [grimi].
- (Launcher) Updated translations: pl [grimi].
Hello Frode, Can you please tell me what is the “correct” procedure to install this new dev versions on Windows? I have the stable v2.0.1 installed, should I first uninstall it? Or install directly over it? Or simply overwrite the files? My “Floppies” and “Configurations” directories have some of my files. Should I backup first?
Many Thanks, Paul
Hi, the devel installation will simply upgrade/overwrite the stable installation. You don’t need to do anything special, and installation/uninstallation will never touch your Documents/FS-UAE directory! Keeping av backup of important files is always a good idea, but not needed specifically for this case