Known issues
CyberStorm PPC ROM handling
The Launcher will create a copy of the CyberStorm PPC ROM and make sure this copy is stored (if modifier) in the saves folder the current configuration.
However, if you use FS-UAE standalone, if will just access the ROM it finds, and this ROM file could be modified by the emulation. This difference in behavior is unfortunate.
Flickering when opening menu on windows
Opening the F12 menu / Using the modifier key causes FS-UAE to blink on Windows due to ungrabbing input (might have to disable this feature on Windows).
Missing warning when using internal kickstart
When internal kickstart is being used and kickstart_file = internal was not used, show GUI message "Using AROS kickstart replacement".
Possibly sticky Amiga keys when toggling the FS-UAE menu
Amiga key sticks when opening/closing FS-UAE menu with modifier+F12:
Possible sticky Amiga keys when alt-tabbing
Similar to the above issue, alt-tabbing while holding keys pressed might cause "sticky" key presses in emulation.