Download FS-UAE 1.2

This version is now deprecated: Download the latest stable version instead.

Version 1.2.1

If this is your first time downloading FS-UAE, you might want to check out the getting started guide! For existing users, I recommend reading the release notes so you know what has changed. Also, if you have any issues, you are welcome to post in the support forum thread for FS-UAE 1.2.

Source Code

Source code for the latest version can be downloaded here. The source code can be compiled on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

Net Play Server

Download the latest net play game server compatible with this release. The server requires Python >= 2.6. It is compatible with Python 3.


FS-UAE itself is licensed under GPL2. libcapsimage (bundled) is licensed under a non-commercial-only license. Other libraries are licensed under various open source licenses (See license files in the distribution for details).

Recent Changes

Version 1.2.1:

  • Fix crash on some platforms when saving state with mounted directories.

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