FS-UAE Arcade is the full-screen game browser with oagd.net integration for the FS-UAE Amiga emulator. Go to the download page for FS-UAE to get it 🙂
Only games from the Online Amiga Game Database will currently appear in FS-UAE Arcade. If you don’t see any game entries when starting the Arcade, please make sure you have enabled the game database in FS-UAE Launcher (logged in).
FS-UAE Arcade will probably support browsing / launching locally created configurations as well, but current focus is to make it work as well as possible with the online game database.
Mac OS X
Desktop Environments
How well transitions between FS-UAE Arcade and FS-UAE work depends greatly on the desktop environment / operating system you are using. Please check out the following sub-pages for more information for your desktop environment:
Unity (Ubuntu)
Mate Desktop Environment