
Summary: "CPU"
Type: Choice
// Default: auto
Example: 68040
Since: 2.5.19

Use this option to override the CPU model in the emulated Amiga. All Amiga
models imply a default CPU model, so you only need to use this option if
want to use another CPU.

// Value: auto ("Auto")
Value: 68000
Value: 68010
Value: 68EC020 - 68020 with 24-bit addressing
Value: 68020
Value: 68EC030 - 68030 without internal MMU
Value: 68030
Value: 68EC040 - 68040 without internal FPU and MMU
Value: 68LC040 - 68040 without internal FPU
Value: 68040-NOMMU - 68040 without internal MMU
Value: 68040
Value: 68EC060 - 68060 without internal FPU and MMU
Value: 68LC060 - 68060 without internal FPU
Value: 68060-NOMMU - 68040 without internal MMU
Value: 68060